2025 Proposed Projects

Each year the Lapeer CRC establishes a resurfacing program for County Roads.  The anticipated cost for a HMA Overlay (life expectancy 12 – 15 years) will be approximately $270,000 per mile of roadway, with a Crush, Shape and Resurface scope of work (life expectancy 20...

2024 HMA (Asphalt) Resurfacing Program

Each year the Lapeer CRC establishes a maintenance program for Primary Roads.  For Roads with PASER Ratings of #3 or #4, the best “bang for the buck” would be a HMA (Hot Mix Asphalt) overlay.  The goal of this maintenance selection should extend the life...

2023 Marlette Road HMA Overlay Project

Marlette Road, Village Limits easterly to Page Road (County Line), in Burlington Township, will be under construction for HMA (Hot-Mix Asphalt) paving overlay.  Project will include, but is not limited to, Culvert replacement, milling pavement joints and intersections...

2022 Dryden Road HMA Overlay Project

The Lapeer CRC received funding from the State of Michigan’s Rural Task Force to assist with the placement of an HMA Asphalt Overlay on Dryden Road.  The HMA Asphalt Overlay will be placed on Dryden Road from 1) Blood Road easterly to Rochester Road, and 2) from...

2023 HMA (Asphalt) Overlay Program

Each year the Lapeer CRC establishes a maintenance program for Primary Roads.  For Roads with PASER Ratings of #3 or #4, the best “bang for the buck” would be a HMA (Hot Mix Asphalt) overlay.  The goal of this maintenance selection should extend the life...