Seasonal County Roads
Seasonal County Roads are established through Act 51 of PA 1951. Seasonal Roads are not normally maintained or snowplowed by the Lapeer CRC during the months of November through April.
Lapeer CRC
Seasonal Road List
Class A Road Map
ORV Road Map
Seasonal Road Policy
Michigan County Road Association’s
Seasonal Road Flyer
Seasonal Roads
Per MCL 247.655a the Board of Lapeer County Road Commissioners (CRC) may establish a system of seasonal county roads, which may be part of either the county primary road system or the county local road system. The Lapeer CRC in establishing a system of seasonal county roads, may declare a road to not be open to public travel during the months of November through April.
Maintenance of Seasonal Roads
Michigan’s law describes how seasonal roads are maintained by the Road Commission. The statute reads that a seasonal road will not be maintained from the months of November through April. Furthermore, it reads, seasonal roads will not be open to public traffic during this time. The Lapeer CRC does not allow gates or chains to act as a restrictor to traffic during these months. Routine maintenance on a seasonal road generally consists of grading once or twice per year, typically late spring through early fall. The Lapeer CRC does not provide winter maintenance or plowing on Seasonal Roads. Property owners need to perform their own snow removal.
“Seasonal Road” signs are placed on all roads designated as seasonal county roads.
To qualify for Seasonal Road Status, a county road, or a portion thereof, must have minimal use by motor vehicles, does not provide sole access to a building used as a principal residence during the months of November through April, and is not normally maintained or snowplowed by the Lapeer CRC during the months of November through April.
When reviewing a Road for consideration of Seasonal Road status, the Lapeer CRC will consider, as a minimum, the following:
1) The volume of motor vehicles traffic that uses the particular road during the months of November through April;
2) Whether or not there are any buildings along the roadway that are being used as principal residence during the months of November through April;
3) The grade variations, concealed obstructions, road alignment, or other topographical characteristics of the particular road which would increase the likelihood of damaging snow removal equipment or necessitate the use of equipment not normally used by the Road Commission for winter maintenance.
County Road Association of Michigan
For additional information on Michigan’s County Roads, visit the County Road Association of Michigan’s Website