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Find operator maps, weight restricted roads, and more to make your drive easier through Lapeer county.

Is there a Road in Lapeer County worth pointing out to others? Let’s share the beauty that Lapeer County has to offer.
Information on Average Daily Traffic Counts for roads within Lapeer County. Visit our Interactive Map or Download Individual Township Maps.
Review information on Road Ratings for road segments within Lapeer County. Visit our Interactive Map or Download Individual Township Maps.

Lapeer CRC has adopted an “asset management” business process to overcome the challenges presented by having limited financial and staffing while needing to meet road user’s expectations.

Roads are classified into categories according to Act 51. Follow this link to learn about Seasonal Roads within Lapeer County

For Township Use Only. This Module is Password Protected for Use by Township Personnel Only.
Michigan Railroads
Please visit the Michigan Railroads Association webpage for more information on the railroads in your area.
Mailbox Damage Caused by Road Commission Operations
Occasionally, the Road Commission, as a result of its daily activities such as grading and snow plowing, may accidentally strike, knock down or damage a mailbox. Because of statutory responsibility of the Road Commission to maintain the roadways and County right-of-ways, the agency is not held liable or responsible for any damage caused to private installations located within those roads and/or right-of-ways. However, the Road Commission shall offer the owner a replacement post and mailbox, which will be available at the Road Commission office.